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emma doig.

Emerging artist Emma Doig is a recent Fine Art honors degree graduate from Duncan of Jordanstone, University of Dundee. Her expressive work combines technical skill with great energy, resulting in fleeting images of the body in movement on semi-abstract compositions. She works primarily on large-scale figurative oil paintings.

From within, emerges a multitude of experimental contouring and paintwork; the inner becomes the outer through intuitive mark making. Her works derive from a personal compulsion to feel unbound from confinement. The figure is captured in mid-air, suspended in a transient state, in a flux of fleeting emotion. With a sense of weightlessness, the work communicates a metaphorical jump; caught in transition, the figure is leaping into the unknown.

This deep experience may lead to a whole new capacity and perception, even a shift in consciousness. Amidst each freeze-framed physique is a mix of movement and colour, turbulent yet serene. Working mainly with oil paint, Doig uses alternative tools and techniques, leaving the outcome unplanned and spontaneous. The imagery is intentionally altered and borders on abstraction, in order to emphasise the beauty and intensity of simply letting go.

Doig was nominated for Saatchi Gallery’s New Sensations Award for most imaginative and talented emerging young artists. She also had work selected to be a part of BBC's National Oil Painting Collection.


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